Second-generation Epoxy Resin-based - Online Shop
The 2nd-Generation Epoxy Resin-based paving joint technology has arrived! GftK’s vdw 850plus is based on the latest water-dispersed epoxy resin and hardener technologies, which are combined with GftK’s unique, specially graded, alluvial (glacially rounded), sand / aggregate components. These products are supplied with the sand/aggregates, uniformly pre-resin-coated, which is to provide optimised, dust-free mixing, followed by maximum flow capabilities and ease of application, including at lower temperatures, and even in the rain – This is the only truly ‘wet-weather’ paving jointing solution!
These characteristics all combine to ensure effective self-compacting into the joints, with no additional tooling or finishing required, giving optimised hardened strengths, as well as most importantly, the strength correlations (i.e. compressive, tensile flexural and e-modulus), for long-term performance with high resistance and durability in service.

The “Best-in-Class” and global “State-of-the-Art” in Jointing Technology – GftK’s vdw 850plus, 2-part, epoxy resin-based, and the only truly wet-weather paving jointing mortar
The huge advantages of both their application and performance, are what makes these advanced 2nd-Generation, epoxy jointing products, the state-of-the-art, and the clear ‘Best-in-Class’. Another significant advance on 1st-Generation, epoxy resin-based paving jointing materials, which can all leave a considerable unsightly sheen / residue on the freshly jointed paved surfaces, is that the advanced 2nd-Generation epoxy products are non-staining, with minimal residue remaining on the paved surfaces, for quick and easy cleaning on completion – No haze or surface sheen to upset the customers (even though it is true that they generally weather-off and disappear in a few months).
GftK vdw 850plus, and the finer grade (GftK vdw 815plus) are produced using the same advanced epoxy resin, hardener and precoated aggregate technologies, but the aggregate component has a finer fractional grading and granulometry for GftK vdw 815plus. This is because it is designed to be ideal for use in narrower joints from just 3mm wide, and as typically used when paving with larger calibrated (accurately cut or formed) paving slabs, such as external porcelain tiles.
With all these advantages, it is no surprise that GftK’s 2nd-Generation of epoxy resin-based, paving joint mortars, are the clear ‘Best-in-Class’ epoxy resin-based, paving jointing mortars, and the global ‘State-of-the-Art’ in paving joint technology. This unique technology has now been used very successfully and extensively throughout the UK on countless domestic, commercial, and public / local authority paved areas, for both new and repointing paving projects. This unique technology now includes systems for all different types of paving and all different kinds of exposure. The advantages include easy, wet-slurry application, meaning that the pointing work can continue almost irrespective of the weather and that the application is made standing-up in an ergonomic position, rather than on your knees all day! Non-dusting is also increasingly a big plus for refurbishment and repointing in public areas such as town centres and around retail and commercial developments.
Typical Applications of GftK’s 2nd-Generation Epoxy Paving Joint Mortars
Typical Applications of GftK’s 2nd-Generation Epoxy Paving Joint Mortars for Domestic Patios & Driveways, Commercial & Public Paved Areas, installed using all types of paving - Natural Stone, Reconstituted Stone (Concrete), and External Porcelain Tiles.
Non-staining, 2nd-Generation Epoxy, GftK vdw 850+ Jointing for Beautiful Rainbow Sandstone Paving
High-performance, 2nd-Generation, 2-part Epoxy, GftK vdw 850+ for Porphyry Paved Driveway
2nd-Generation, 2-part Epoxy, GftK vdw 815+ Ideal for Narrow Joints in External Porcelain Tiles & No waiting Required
Repointing Natural Stone sett Paved Highways for Long-term Durability with 2nd-Generation, Epoxy, GftK vdw 850+
State-of-the Art’, 2-part Epoxy Resin-based, Paving Jointing Products include:
Full details of this unique GftK 2nd-Generation Epoxy Technology for Paving Jointing, please refer to the following detailed Product pages for this unique and Best-in-Class’ materials.
GftK’s vdw 850plus GftK vdw 815plusSelecting the Right Paving Jointing Materials Technology & Product
As outlined above and on the other pages of this website, there is no universal paving jointing materials technology and no universal paving jointing product. The right paving jointing for your project depends on the key criteria and your specific requirements.
We have produced a Paving Jointing Project Checklist, which is designed to help you identify and confirm all the relevant selection criteria for each project, in terms of the type and size of area, paving, joints, the site for installation and the required exposure and performance in service, durability, cleaning regime, plus the ease of closure and ease of eventual repointing.
We have also produced the GftK Paving Jointing Product Selection Guide that you can use this with the Checklist for each project, to ensure you consider all revenant criteria and select the most appropriate paving jointing solution. Always be sure to consider ALL the key criteria and parameters for your paving project, to make the right technical and commercial decisions based on ALL the requirements.
For more advice or assistance with your specific paving project, please call 01257 266696 for FREE Expert Advice during normal office hours, or you can email us at any time to: and we will get back to you just as soon as we can. Thank you.
You can call 01257 266696 for FREE expert advice and assistance on any aspect or type of paving joint mortars and pointing / grouting of paved surfaces in any way. – We are confident that we can help you to prevent or to resolve any paving joint problems or issues, saving you time and money on every single job!